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Inter-Cluster Rockefeller Foundation (RF)-India Consortium Meet

Rockefeller Foundation Meet

The first Rockefeller Foundation (RF)-India Consortium Meet was held at CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad on March 4th 2023 where scientists from all four clusters of Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi and Bangalore presented data of research and outreach activities. Scientists from each cluster presented scientific talks focused on meeting the aims of the project. Active discussions and plenary sessions followed the scientific presentations in which future plans and collaborations among the various clusters were discussed. In-depth discussions were conducted regarding studies and data sharing and creation of pipelines to detect pathogens in wastewater and clinical samples. The meeting was presided over by CSIR-CCMB Director, Dr. Vinay K Nandicoori. Notable attendees included Principal Investigators, Dr. Rakesh Mishra, Director, TIGS and Professor L.S. Shashidhara, Director, NCBS, Bengaluru. Ms. Megan Diamond, Director Health Initiatives at the Rockefeller Foundation Headquarters in New York City attended the conference via virtual means.

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