Liked one of our sessions? Why not let your inner Shakespeare or Picasso or Einstein run free and
participate in our Essay writing, Art and ‘Ask a question’ competition! It's simple, write an essay or
draw something or ask a question related to the session you liked. Enter the contests and win
exciting prizes and certificates!
Submit your entries here Submit Your Entries
Who can participate?
▪ Art: Grades 7 to 12
▪ Essay: Grades 11& 12, undergraduate and postgraduate students
▪ Ask a question: Open for all
When can I enter the competitions? From 27-Sep to 04-Oct-2020
Rules: Students can participate in more than one competition. But only one entry per competition is
allowed. Participants should choose one session that has piqued their curiosity at the end of open
week and write an essay or make an art related to that. All entries will become property of CCMB.
1. Make a drawing or painting related to the session you liked in a A4 sized paper/chart/canvas.
2. Take a picture of your art/ scan your art and upload in the submission form.
3. The art should reflect the theme of the session.
4. Ensure the picture is clear.
5. Only students belonging to grades 7-12 can participate
1. Write a short essay on your reflections or ideas from the session you participated.
2. Maximum word limit is 500 words.
3. The essay must be original writing of the student and cannot be copied from other sources.
4. Type your essay in the submission form.
5. Only students belonging to 11 & 12 grades and undergraduate/postgraduate students can participate.
Ask a question
1. Ask a question related to one of the sessions that has kindled your curiosity.
2. You can ask multiple questions in the submission form.
3. Open for all.
Selection of winners: We will judge your entries based on how well you integrate your personal lives
with the discussions that happen during the Open Week.
Judges’ decision is final in selecting the winners!
Winners will be contacted via mail.
Best 3 entries in each of these categories will be given Amazon Gift Vouchers worth Rs. 1,500 along with a certificate of excellence.
All participants will be awarded a certificate of participation.
From atoms to cells to humans, test your knowledge with our exciting Science Quiz!
Rules for quiz
1. Only students belonging to 7-12 grades can participate.
2. Students should register for the quiz. Last date to register is 22-Sep-2020.
3. Quiz will start on 24-Sep-2020, 05:00 PM IST sharp.
4. Details for participating the quiz will be sent to the registered participants via mail.
5. Students can enter the quiz using their smartphone or laptop.
Theme of quiz: General science quiz from everyday science to astronomy to wildlife and many more.
Questions will be basic and thought provoking! No special preparation is required for this quiz.
Winners will be decided based on the performance in the quiz, i.e. Number of correct answers and
how fast the questions are answered. Judges’ decision is final. Winners will be contacted via mail.
Top 3 performers will get Amazon Gift Vouchers worth Rs. 2,000, Rs. 1,500, Rs. 1,000 respectively; along with a certificate of excellence.
All participants will be awarded a certificate of participation.