Careers in Science

Join our experts in this session who will be sharing their experience and expertise in a myriad of career options to learn more about various careers in and outside of academic research.

Wildlives Matter

Species are disappearing around us everyday and each time a species goes extinct the world around us unravels a bit. if this continues, we will reach a point of no return. Why is this happening, how it is affecting us and why conserve wildlife. Join our experts to understand why wildlives matter.

Stem Cell Research and it's ethics

A fascinating and politically controversial field. Stem cell research offers hope for new therapies for various diseases. With all it's advancements, why is it highly debated?
Find out why by our experts in this session.

Women in Science

Times are a-changing. Women are leaving their mark on many traditional male dominated fields. they are making an impact in the field of life sciences as well! Join us for a candid conversation with these leading women scientist and get to know their experiences.

Importance of Mental Health

It is Ok to not be Ok, Let's talk about it.
What's going on in your brain when you're feeling down? Evidences and experiences from science and clinical practice.